Sunday, June 14, 2009

I have breached the mountain's ramparts...

Day 14, 11th on the road, June 13th 2009
Porteau Cove to home, 50 km, Total 1,082 km

... well, maybe not exactly breached, but I did put a serious dent in them.

Click the map to view it full size

I awoke early at Porteau, packed up my little camp for the last time and hit the road at 8am.
Yesterday's tiredness has gone - I guess my bones knew I had only 50km to cover - and my bike fairly flew up the hills using stiffer gears than I have managed for several days.
I took the Marine Drive "low road" through West Vancouver, and enjoyed the cheerful waves from many of the throngs of bikers that I passed on the way. Several commented on my "two-wheeled hotel". I must say that the prospect of whizzing along on a light-weight, unloaded bike in the coming days has considerable appeal.
Stopped at my favourite Bakery, Tartine, just before I got home to snag a celebratory cinnamon bun for my second breakfast.

So, no brass band to greet me at Marinaside Crescent. However, the Vancouver Fire Brigade welcomed me with a Geneva-like water display...
Valerie was waving from our 11th story balcony as I rode up.

It's been an absolutely fantastic two weeks. As well as the physical challenge, finding the limits of my own strength and endurance, I have spent special time with my daughter Farrah, her husband Nolan, my grandsons Jeffrey, Taylor and Brandon. As well, I have made some great new friends along the way, and I'm sure that our paths will cross again.

And above all, I thank my lovely wife, Valerie, for her support in this crazy adventure. While I have been focusing on my own physical efforts and achievements, she has been there to take care of all my needs (not to mention her unselfish assitance to many of the people we met along the way). In the planning stages that led up to the trip, she has researched the nutrition and supplements that kept me going, and has helped me make many of the decisions on equipment, clothing and packing that made the whole thing possible. She has driven the Yalie through hill and dale, set up and broken down camps and worried about me when I did not show up on schedule. Thank you, Val. I love you.


  1. Wow Barney, that was an incredible trip! Just reading made me exhausted!

  2. I found you through the wee Dalzells (dear friends of mine) and this journey is inspiring. Can't wait to hear what other plans you have upcoming. Thanks for sharing.
