Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sky to Sea

Day 13, 10th on the Road June 12th, 2009
Whistler to Porteau Cove 80 km, Total 1,035 km

No photos today. The camera kept beeping at me but my reading glasses weren't handy, so I didn't know what it was trying to tell me. I had left the memory card in my computer last night.

I started the day with every intention of making Vancouver tonight. Only 120km, and much of that downhill. However, I was feeling rather tired, perhaps a consequence of the anticlimax of an amazing experience coming to an end, and a strong headwind did not help on the uphill sections.

I caught up with Valerie on the main street in Squamish - back on the sea shore after two weeks in the mountains. We ate some lunch, and Valerie suggested I take a nap, so I crawled into bed and snored for nearly two hours. The benefit of having a motor home for support.

As it was getting late, we decided that we would spend the night at Porteau Cove, a beatiful little camp ground on the shore of Howe Sound, which we know well from the years we lived in Lions Bay. Unfortunately, by the time Valerie arrived, all the RV camp sites were full - Porteau is very popular due to its scenic location so close to Vancouver. She was very disappointed, as she had been looking forward to kayaking in the bay and watching the sun go down behind the mountains.

By the time I arrived, Valerie had left for Vancouver, and as I was still rather tired, I decided to stop for the night in one of the lightweight camping spots rather than pushing the remaining 50 km home. This left Valerie with the task of parking the Yalie at our lot in Richmond, unloading the remaining supplies and doing all the tasks required to shut down the rig after a trip. Thank you Valerie.

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